Fan Fiction Contest Winners

Congratulations to the Redwood Writers
2017 Fan Fiction Contest Winners!

Click here to open the Winners Flier and read the winning story, or open the links, below:


Mara Johnstone


Mara Lynn Johnstone

"Hogwarts Alone"

Mara Lynn Johnstone grew up in a house on a hill, of which the top floor was built first. She lives in California with her husband, son, and laptop-loving cats. She enjoys writing, drawing, and spending hours discussing made-up things.

Sandy Baker


Sandy Baker

"Becky Thatcher Goes Rogue"



Crissi Langwell

"Neverland's Mother"

While Sandy Baker grew up as an active, athletic tomboy, she always included reading, writing, and doodling in her quiet times. Like Becky Thatcher, she preferred climbing trees and paddling rafts! Since joining Redwood Writers in 2009, Sandy has written eight children’s gardening books, a thriller, and one middle grade collection of short stories. Next up is Gardens Around the Globe: A Coloring Book for Grownups. Sandy is currently president of Redwood Writers.

Crissi Langwell is a writer, blogger, and novelist. She has eight published books, including Reclaim Your Creative Soul, a guide for artists who wish they had more time to create, and Loving the Wind, the story of Neverland told by Tiger Lily. She lives in Petaluma with her husband, their blended family of three teens, and a ridiculous teenage dog.

Redwood Writers is the largest of 22 California Writers Club branches.
Our motto: “Writers helping writers.”

Redwood Writers
P.O. Box 4687
Santa Rosa, CA 95402